
I'll be using this weblog to document the journey of this adventure. It will contain thoughts, findings, videos, pictures, interviews and whatever else I run into along the way that I can capture in digital form.

Do-It-Yourself Science: The Maker Faire

It's been called "Burning Man for science geeks." The annual Maker Faire attracts thousands of amateur inventors and scientists, displaying their home-made prototypes and gadget hacks. In a world where the technological race is speeding up, the Maker movement has revealed that the do-it-yourself culture is in no danger of dying out.

Here's a story on the Maker movement, magazine and Faire, which first aired in Sept. 2007, produced by KQED for its QUEST science series.

QUEST on KQED Public Media.

Buckminster Fuller with Fly's Eye dome and Dymaxion Car in Snowmass Colorado - 1980

Just found this great picture of Fuller and two of his oft forgotten inventions. More info can be found here: 'Unveiling of Buckminster Fuller's Restored Fly's Eye Dome'

Wright Brothers at THF

Edison at Work Complex - THF

Fuller's Dymaxion House

Here are some shots I took at the Bucky Fuller Dymaxion House exhibit at THF.

Burke's Knowledge Web

An introduction to Burke's work in progress, the K-Web.


"Re-CONNECTIONS" is the title given to this 2004 interview by Michael Malone with Author and Science Historian James Burke on the 25th anniversary of his well-known series "Connections". The interview takes place in the San José Science Museum (in Silicon Valley). During the interview, Burke looks back and then forward to the program's digital incarnation, and then further again towards his current project: "The Knowledge Web". The interview consists of seven segments, each lasting about ten minutes.


The Edison Engine at the Train Stop at THF in the process of being repaired.

The Henry Ford

Description of the Edison Menlo Park Lab at Greenville Village

Kickoff visit to THF

Yesterday I went out to THF to meet with Shauna Wilson and George Moroz. We met at the entrance to the Village. It was raining on and off, but even so there were a lot of school groups there visiting. We walked over to the Edison Menlo Park Complex. Along the way, I described the project and its goals to Shauna, who I had just met for the first time.

Once there, we went directly up to the second floor, which is the main working area.  We were met by one of the Labs docents, Barbara, who was quite helpful in answering the questions that I had about how Edison used the Lab and what were some of the items deployed around the floor area.